Que el rumor del mar nos llene de tranquilidad Feliz semana IGers
1 hour ago
Y entre la espuma del mar..me adentro sin miedo..,porque mas miedo da..no volver a sentir..ese mar eterno.
2 hours ago
Check out my newest #video on #YouTube called #Crappy #Milkshake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2N84vJksho&feature=youtube_gdata_player
4 minutes ago
If you've ever had a Daim bar you will understand my love for them #daim #bar #chocolate #yummy #tasty #best #ever #favourite #heaven #lovely
1 minute ago
After class with my pals #sushi #bar #Japanese #food
5 minutes ago

darrylbednarik2 minutes ago

@19bb82 i'm really diggin your pics if you'd want to make rake in 130 non-spam followes like me just click the link on my page

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