My little girl #lena #love #her #weenerdog #cute #doggie #smiles #miss her :( wanna go back #home
1 minute ago
62 days 1488 hours 89280 minutes 5356800 seconds But who's counting Well I am because every day hour minute and second I spend with you
10 minutes ago

jessica__ota17 seconds ago

Little late. But Another after fall fling football photo #FallFling2013 #Kerby #Smiles #champs #goodgame #intense #friends #awhyeah
1 minute ago
When some one that was so close to you likes some one else.. #when #some #one #that #was #so #slose #to #you #likes #some #one #else #depression
3 minutes ago
Yeah I gotta give it to my boyfriend He's pretty damn cute right Yeah well he's mine So back off I love this boy with all my heart to

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