Hoy es el mañana que tanto preocupo en el ayer #solo #alda #mundo
39 seconds ago
My Night #Solo #Dolo
1 minute ago
Just got back and out to dinner #stillcutetho #pfchangs #solo #fuckbitchesgetmoney
3 minutes ago
Loyalty is -› cause see. it's a lot of mfs out here who are only around for their benefit only. but. at the end of the day real recognize
20 minutes ago

infamoustones2 minutes ago

@eviljx I observe very well. yep. only riding w/the one who gone regardless of the situation ride for/out with me As of right now tho. that

infamoustones4 minutes ago

These niggas be so full of shit nowadays @eviljx smh.

My dads speaker #solo #cups #paper #towl #roll
3 minutes ago
It's Khala @x_dopelydifferent .. Follow Me .. & #DT #Solo #LoveMe

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