Make sure you are weekend ready contact me for #scarves #necklaces #bracelets contact me for orders at [email protected]
33 seconds ago
Wooow! Pero que bien le sienta nuestra Pulserita brujita de la suerte a @mirita_g Muchas gracias preciosa por todo! Besos!
4 minutes ago
Opal and Freshwater Bracelets Fall 2013 Collection @rltcollection #bracelets #accessories #bracelet #armcandy #rltcollection
3 minutes ago
Home sweet home with my mini haul And more stuff to add soon hehehe #dailylook #newbag #bdelliumtools #makeupbrushes #wrapwatch #bracelet #armcandy
3 minutes ago
A bad omen or a good omen You decide | This earthy bracelet features alternating 8mm Fancy Jasper & 6mm Matte Black Onyx with a bronze pentacle
You must believe in yourself if you are to have anyone believe in you | Do such great things that the ones who oppose you will have to recognize
Make sure you are weekend ready contact me for #scarves #necklaces #bracelets contact me for orders at [email protected]
3 minutes ago
RP My beautiful sister/friend/ rocking her custom Treasures Orders yours soon and let me make something for you that you will always treasure
7 minutes ago
Make sure you are weekend ready contact me for #scarves #necklaces #earrings #bracelets contact me for orders at [email protected]
9 minutes ago

mrs_melissa_garcia6 minutes ago

Love that scarf @couture_armcandy

Glamygear #armcandy
8 minutes ago

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